COVID-19 information
We want to keep everyone safe and know that everyone has different comfort levels. We are taking measures based on the latest recommendations from Alberta Health.
All students must follow the procedures outlined below and complete the COVID-19 waiver. As recommendations change, updates to these procedures may be required.
If you are sick, stay home.
Dance class COVID 19 Procedures
COVID screening questionnaire to be posted on the haumana Facebook page, website and as a poster at the entrance to dance class
All students to review the questionnaire prior to attending class. DO NOT attend class if you are unwell.
Instructor /assistant to:
Clean/disinfect frequently touched surfaces
Wash/sanitize hands before and after each session
Wear masks at all times, nose and mouth to be covered
Maintain safe distance at all times
Wear face mask at all times, nose and mouth to be covered
Maintain safe distance from others at all times
Use hand sanitizer before entering and while exiting
Carry own water bottle
No shared dance equipment or costumes
Classroom set up
Entry way
Students to socially distance upon entry to the hall, no congregating in entrances or choke points (entryway, stairwell, entrance to cloak room)
Hand sanitizer to be used prior to entry into class area (cloak room)
Cloak room capacity is a maximum of four dancers, to maintain social distancing. If the maximum capacity of the room is reached, dancers must wait until there is a vacancy before entering. Wait in the stairwell utilizing social distancing
Deposit your footwear, coats without lingering and enter the classroom
Social distancing to be maintained in the studio, including at the beginning of class when placing dance equipment at the sides of the room and at the end of class upon departure
Appointed positions for dancing are measured out and marked on the floor. Dancers are to maintain spacing during the class
Spots are marked out along the walls for students to place dance bags and water bottles
High touch areas to be cleaned prior to class
Cleaning supplies available from community centre
If a student:
has any of the following symptoms which are new or worsened if associated with allergies, chronic or pre-existing conditions:
shortness of breath
difficulty breathing
sore throat
runny nose
has returned to Canada from outside the country in the past 14 days
in the past 14 days has had close contact* with a person who:
has a confirmed case of COVID 19
had an acute respiratory illness that started within 14 days of their close contact to someone with a confirmed case of COVID 19
had an acute respiratory illness who returned from travel outside of Canada in the 14 days before they became sick
they are not to attend in-person class and switch to at home online class. It is suggested that they call 811 and follow directions for possible self-isolation or COVID testing. They are to follow isolating requirements.
Visit Alberta Health Services website for a self-assessment.
*close contact is face-to-face contact within two metres without recommended PPE.
Please complete and submit the waiver below.
You will only need to complete this waiver once before the first day of class. Each week after, you answer the pre-screening questions posted outside the dance studio.